Knife sharp review AD
Knife Sharp, sharpening by post – Knife Sharp review AD
Do you want to know a secret? I am terrible at sharpening knives. I have tried various methods over the years. Most recently I have been using a cheap sharpening device from the supermarket. The type where you scrape the blade through a grinder type thing. Which has probably done more harm than good.
It was shortly after chatting with a friend about having rubbish kitchen knives and potentially needing to invest in some new ones, that I discovered a postal service called Knife Sharp.
Knife Sharp
For those that don’t know, Knife Sharp are a postal knife sharpening and repair service. They send you a box, you send back some knives and they sharpen them and send them back.
Having never heard of a service like this before, the first thing I did was head over to their website and was immediately impressed. Clean, simple and succinct.
On top of a regular subscription service, they offer one-off sharpens from £29.95 for three knives, through to a 14 knives option. I opted for a 5 knife package.
I was intrigued by their ‘You pack and send your knives using our free shipping box. We expertly sharpen, repair and send them back to you. You unpack and get chopping’ quote and unsure how it would actually work. As it turns out, I didn’t have to wait long.

24 hours later

Within 24 hrs a courier service had delivered a tidy little box, designed to fit in a letterbox. The box itself is a very clever design and alleviated my major worry. I understood the need to transport knives safely. I also appreciate that a certain amount of waste would be required. However, the fully recyclable box and knife sleeves within it would accompany my knives on their entire journey.
Let me explain. The box itself has three different tearaway openings. As directed, I opened the one cleary described as the first to be opened. Once inside, there were 5 cardboard knife sleeves, some instructions and a return label. Plus a nice surprise packet of sweets. I simply placed the knives into the sleeves, secured them with the little stickers included, resealed the box as instructed and popped them into my local Hermes drop off point, which happens to be the shop in the village.
Let the experts do it
Like I mentioned earlier, I am no expert in the art of sharpening knives and with this in mind, I decided to head back to their website, to discover how there intended to repair and sharpen my 5, old and blunt knives. One of which had a large piece of the pointy end missing and another had a bend at the end, following several dropping incidents on to a hard floor.
The geek in me was fairly chuffed that I had taken the time to see how it is all done. In brief, the sharpen each knife by hand using water-cooled diamond or CBN wheels and belts and finished off by polishing.
Knife Sharp Review
But who knew, that Japenese knives need to be sharpened at an angle of 10-16 degrees and German knives required a 17-20 degree angle.
They can also repair chipped blades, broken tips, bent blades and tips and twisted edges.
A few days later, after the same box originally sent dropped back through my letterbox, I got to see how well they did.
I have already mentioned the knives that I sent, weren’t in the best condition. So in all honesty, I wasn’t expecting miracles. However, I was now the proud owner of 5 knives that were as sharp, if not sharper than the day I purchased them.
You know when you hear a chef on TV say ‘let the knife do the work’. As you curse while you have to hack and carve your way through a cucumber with a blunt knife? Well, not anymore!
Over the next couple of days, I managed to properly test drive them all and I wasn’t disappointed.

Chopping ingredients and slicing meat became a pleasure. Not only were all fives sharp, but the two that were damaged had also been repaired and looked like new.
To some up, within 5 days from choosing the five knife package to receiving the knives back. Knife Sharp managed to repair, sharpen and deliver back to me my blunt and damaged kitchen knives. I now appreciate how they have so many 5 star reviews. I will certainly be using their service again.
Asian Spicy Beef Salad following my Knife Sharp review
If you wanted to know the first meal I cooked using the knives you can find it here. I purposefully went with something that required a lot of chopping.

For clarity, I have been gifted this service, however, the words and opinions are my own.
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