The Middle Boy’s Easy Beef Cobbler Recipe
Easy Beef Cobbler Recipe
Back to School time again and when this year’s topic homework sheet came home for the middle boy, we both spotted the ideal start for us both ‘cook a healthy meal for your family and record the results and comments’, happy days!
Finally some homework he actually wanted to do and was keen to share his homework with you guys too.
Fairly healthy, really cheap and easy to prepare, a great dish as the evenings start drawing in.

Easy Beef Cobbler Recipe
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Easy Beef Cobbler Recipe
- 500 g Extra Lean Beef Mince (£1.85)
- 140 g Mushroom (53p)
- 2 tbsp Plain Flour (pennies)
- 500 ml Beef Stock (5p stock cube)
- A few shakes of Worcestershire Sauce (pennies)
- 140 g Self raising flour (10p)
- 1 Onion (finally chopped) 10p
- 1 tbsp Thyme (pennies)
- 4 tbsp Low Fat Yogurt (25p)
- 140 g Frozen Peas (40p)
- Total Price £3.28
Easy Beef Cobbler Recipe
- As I didn't cook this I will do my best to describe the young Gordon Ramsey style chef, who shouted his instructions to me whilst copying the recipe for the BBC Good food guide! Firstly he turned the oven on to warm up to 180. He dry fried the mince and onion (without oil) until the meat was browned and onions had softened, he then splashed the beef stock in, together with the Worcester sauce and then finally stirred in the plain flour and cooked for another ten minutes on a lower heat.500 g Extra Lean Beef Mince (£1.85), 2 tbsp Plain Flour (pennies), 500 ml Beef Stock (5p stock cube), A few shakes of Worcestershire Sauce (pennies), 1 Onion (finally chopped) 10p, 140 g Mushroom (53p)
- Whilst this was cooking he mixed the self-raising flour and thyme together in a bowl and added the yoghurt with a small amount of cold water (enough to make a dough-like texture). He then (made more mess) rolled it out on a floured surface and using a couple of different shape cookie cutter things he cut them into about 12 shapes.140 g Self raising flour (10p), 1 tbsp Thyme (pennies), 4 tbsp Low Fat Yogurt (25p)
- Finally, he stirred the frozen peas into the meat mixture and poured it all into a large baking dish and plonked the cobbles on top. After cooking for about 25 minutes he served it all up with a big smile on his face!140 g Frozen Peas (40p)
Easy Beef Cobbler Recipe
All of my recipes can be found here so head over there for more inspiration for this week’s meals. Or scroll to the bottom of the page to check out my latest recipes and blog posts.
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Don’t forget to share the recipe with your friends and family, so they can enjoy them too! If you cook this meal, do let me know what you think or tag @dadsdeliciousdinners in any social media content.