History Repeating
History Repeating – How to parent a teenager
I think officially it is termed as pushing boundaries. Although, I don’t always see it that way.
I won’t go into specifics, but ‘boundaries’ have well and truly been pushed. Patience has been tested and tears shed. There have been moments when I have secretly wanted to high-five him for his sheer audacity. Or moments when he has done something a bit naughty. The very same thing I did in my youth, but he managed it at a younger age than I accomplished it. There has also been other moments that he should be grateful that he hasn’t been grounded for life!
My Mum thinks its pay back. I was no angel apparently. My eldest has been a teenager for almost 7 months and don’t we all know it.
History is repeating.
Being a single parent comes with a lot of rewards, but also a lot of challenges. This has been mainly the latter recently, with a hope of the former to come. When faced with a situation that you need to deal with immediately, you have no backup.
As parents, we always seem to find the route. But is it the correct route? Did you deal with the problem effectively? Was the punishment severe enough? Was the ‘talk’ suitable?
Did you play your cards correctly or have you just been played?
As a couple, you will always have your backup. That person, that at the end of the night you can debrief with and during discussions will help and join in.
I have a small army of support, that over the years I have built up and relied on. But some decisions and advice need to be given immediately. That backup isn’t always there with immediate effect.
Somehow and I am not entirely sure how. I have managed to remain calm (keep my shit together), keep my shouty dad voice to a minimum and talk. We have hugged, chatted and cried together. He has messed up again, he has also shown massive signs of learning from mistakes. We have had punishments that have worked and some that haven’t.
We are currently in a period of punishment that was self-propelled. After his latest ‘learning curve’ and

following our subsequent chat. He presented me with his Xbox, phone and tablet and declared that he felt he didn’t deserve them at this current time (perhaps he does actually listen) and it has been discussed that he will get that back in intervals, as soon as I see improvements at home, at school and in some of his judgment calls.
Has he learned from his mistakes? Only time will tell. Did I learn from my mistakes at his age? Again, only time will tell.
My support network think I did ok, my Mum is still chuckling into her cuppa. With the subtle murmur of been there, done that.
I’ve learnt that I’m still winging this parenting malarky and it isn’t going to get any easier.
Why have I decided to share this? Thanks to a recent article by Tim, over at Slouching towards Thatcham. It dawned on me that, as parents we all have a different take on life. We all have different backgrounds and more importantly different current situations. However we can band together and share our knowledge. We are in this together!
How to parent a teenager.
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Fantastic post, Ian. First and foremost, fair play for your discretion. I have found it challenging to write anything engaging yet discrete about dealing with tempestuous teens (we have one of those too) and it’s important, I feel, not to break any confidences. I know my girl has read my blog and wouldn’t be at all adverse to my writing positively about her!!! My feeling is, and hinted at by your references to your mum’s asides, you are the living proof that we do learn. Also, any kid who hands up his social media and game paraphernalia is a good kid — boy is that some sacrifice at that age!!! And listen, having a second parent can also mean two getting it wrong instead of one, and a lot of moaning.
Thanks for the nice words. It is a tricky one sometimes. I would never allow myself to break the confidence of my kids and they must all be able to trust me and want to share things with me. Like yours, mine all take a look at my blog (although, they probably wouldn’t admit it), also I am aware that some of their friends and other family members follow my social media also.
Oh I hear you Ian. We’re not yet at teenage stage, but it’s coming down the tracks fast. A lot of people will disagree with my opinion, probably because we all have different experiences, but I think the mid and later childhood years are probably more challenging than the early years. There’s more support in the early days and your kids have developed their own character in the later years and that takes some dealing with. Bets of luck Ian. We can’t get everything right as parents and never will. But….it’s those who don’t try or make the effort who really store up problems for themselves.
Couldn’t agree more John. The younger years have their own issues, but like you say, more help and advice is about. As they grow, lifestyle becomes easier, but other issues arise bringing a new dimension to the term ‘winging it’, for parents.
Hi Ian, it’s refreshing to hear a dads view on parenting teens. We are some time off this, but it’s at the back of my mind when the little boundaries get pushed and I wonder how do parents cope with the big teen stuff?! You’re obviously doing a fantastic job, especially as yours is recognising when they haven’t made the right choices and giving up their items willingly of their own accord. Thanks for joining us for the #DreamTeamLinky – we’d love to see you back soon 😊
I kind of dread the teenage years as I know that I was AWFUL to my parents! Thanks for linking up with #dreamteam
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