How to be more involved in your child’s education
Getting more involved in your child’s education will reap many benefits for both you and them. Seeing that you’re interested in what they’re learning will impress upon your child how important their education is while reassuring them you’re always there to support them. It might take a bit of time and effort to get more involved, but it will be worth it in the long run when you see your child thriving educationally. To help you get started, here’s some tips from a top London sixth form.
Learn together
Your child will love seeing you learning at the same time as them, so next time they’re set a homework challenge such as researching a topic, get involved and do it together. Of course you don’t want to do their homework for them, but just showing enthusiasm for a subject and expressing enjoyment of learning will rub off on your child. They’ll also feel reassured to know that even adults don’t know everything and that learning is a lifelong process.
Bring subjects to life
Another way to get more involved in your child’s education is to take them on educational trips which enhance their

understanding of particular subjects; for example, taking them to a science or history museum might help them understand certain concepts and absorb and retain key information they’ve learnt at school. Your child will find that learning can be fun, and seeing you interested in their education will give them a boost.
Read together
Reading with your child will improve their vocabulary range and comprehension levels, as well as adding to their general knowledge. You could take it in turns to read a page aloud so you’re sharing the activity in a way which benefits them. Encourage your child to read as wide a range of texts as possible, and perhaps introduce them to some of your own favourite books. You could both then talk about why you like them and how you feel when reading; this will help instil in your child a love of reading and being read to.
Volunteer at school
See if your child’s school will allow you to volunteer in some capacity, perhaps as a reader or chaperone during trips. You’ll get first-hand insight into your child’s educational environment and what they really get up to at school, which will help you support them adequately at home. Seeing you at school will also reinforce to your child how important their education is to you and that you’re taking an active interest in it.
Ask questions
While you don’t want to come across like you’re interrogating your child, it’s important to ask them questions about their school day and what they’re learning to both signal your interest in their education and identify any problems which need to be addressed. This will also help you follow the national curriculum so you can provide your child with suitable supplementary learning activities at home. You can use the information you glean to communicate with their teachers about their progress and any additional support they might need.
Identify your child’s learning style
One of the best things you can do to support your child is identify their unique learning style. Every child learns differently and a way of teaching that works for another child might not work for yours. Try to figure out if they’re a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner, or a mixture. Visual learners are drawn to pictures and diagrams, and other graphical representations of information; auditory learners respond best to oral instructions and directions, while kinaesthetic learners find it easier to understand information relayed through movement or touch. Once you’ve recognised your child’s individual learning style, you’ll know what kinds of activities to do with them at home; you can also communicate this information to their teacher so they’re supported adequately at school.
Featured Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash
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