Send Them Cupcakes gifted/ad

Send them cupcakes REVIEW gifted/ad 

We love baking together and are often found bellowed in a cloud of flour in the kitchen mixing ingredients together. However, sometimes it’s nice not to have to make and just get to eat!

Where we live, Halloween is a huge event. The entire village becomes a spooky spectacular area. Everyone gets dressed up in amazing Halloween outfits and a lot of the houses get turned into a Halloween themed grotto. Most years we leave home around five and don’t return until around 10 pm. The kids meet up with friends and we wander the streets collecting the treats.

For obvious reasons, this year it wasn’t taking place. Even the teen is a little upset by it, after all, he isn’t going to get his normal year’s worth

Send them Cupcakes review
Send them Cupcakes

of sweets in one night haul this year.  So imagine our pleasure when we answered a knock at the door to be greeted by a delivery of 12 Halloween themed cupcakes from Bradfords Bakers

To say it cheered the kids up would be an understatement. Two boxes of cupcakes, decorated to a high standard with a Halloween theme. They almost looked too good to eat. Well to me they did. The kids however thought otherwise. 

Scrumptious, yummy and nice. Three words from three different kids. If you were wondering the order? The middle boy, the little lady and the teen. Before I knew it, I had children queuing at the door to try one. Fending off the swarms I did manage to grab one myself. I have to admit it was good. A soft fine texture, but keeping the moisture perfect. The buttercream topping was yummy. I would have enjoyed another, but by the time I went back to the box, there were none left! 

Send them cupcakes review

So would I recommend them? Yes. Would I buy from them? Yes. 

To be honest, the best review would be this picture. 

Send them Cupcakes review
Send them cupcakes review

I love homemade cakes and am spoilt because,  both my mum and the middle boy love baking. However, sometimes it is nice to have someone else make them for you. No mess, no washing up and no hassle.  And you know what, this year we all need to spoil ourselves a little. 

It isn’t just for Halloween either, Bradfords Bakers have cakes for all occasions. If you haven’t heard of them head over to their website and check them out. They get my kids’ seal of approval.

Plus you get the added benefit of buying from a family run business who bake from scratch to deliver an amazing and delicious product to your door. Happy days. 

For full disclosure, I was gifted this product, but the words and review are our own thoughts.