Hide Your Shoes! Puppy-Proofing Tips for Your Home
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Getting a new puppy is a very exciting time for all the family. The unconditional love and pure entertainment they bring is priceless, not to mention the motivation to get us out and about for those much-needed walks.
Puppies are a full-time but very rewarding job. They’re naturally inquisitive and can get up to all sorts of mischief exploring their new surroundings. They’re also part of the family and require just as much protection as we do. With that in mind, An Post Insurance have put together six handy tips to help you puppy-proof your home for your new arrival.

Beware of Toxic House Plants
Something we may not even consider is that lots of our household and outdoor plants can be highly toxic to our canine companions and should be kept well out of reach. If you have household plants make sure to do some research to ensure they’re not dangerous to your new pet. PetMD outline a list of some of the most toxic plants.
Take Care of Everyday Household Items
Just like children, puppies need to be kept away from everyday household substances which could prove toxic to them. Chemicals, cleaning products and medicines should be stored out of reach – if that’s not possible, add child locks to lower press doors to keep your pup from harm.
Harmful Human Food
Some human foods may seem harmless but could prove fatal to your furry friend. It’s vital to know what foods are toxic to dogs so you don’t unknowingly make them ill, or even worse, cause a fatality. Your best bet would be to avoid feeding them human food at all, but if the temptation proves too much, make sure you’re 100% sure it’s safe for your dog. CanineJournal.com have put together a list of foods to be avoided and ones that are safe for your best friend to enjoy.
Cover Electrical Wires
Lots of puppies like to chew all and sundry while they are exploring their new world. Electrical wires can prove to be very tempting, but also very dangerous – they should be hidden behind furniture where possible or use cable ties or covers to keep them away from your pet. Sockets should also be covered when not in use.
Should anything happen to your four-legged friend, you’ll want to protect your pet and give yourself peace of mind. Explore great pet insurance cover options available to you.
Keep Windows and Doors Closed
While on their adventures puppies can get into or out of very small spaces so it’s important to make sure windows and external doors are closed at all times so they can’t fall out or make their great escape. Blind chords should also be secured to avoid getting wrapped around your puppy’s neck.
Don’t Leave Small Objects Within Reach
All small objects should be placed out of reach of your puppy. Anything they can reach is fair game in their little world. That includes your favourite pair of shoes, so if you want to keep them intact, make sure they’re safely hidden away from exploring mouths.

Before your puppy arrives, go room to room and check for all the hazards mentioned above to make sure your home is a safe haven for your newest family member. That way, you and your family will have the peace of mind to enjoy the fun and adventures your new puppy will bring.
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